Selasa, 01 November 2011

One day that change everything..

Have u ever have a day that change your life???
my answer is Yes, i do..

People thought that God has decide your destiny. But someone said to me that by praying you can change your destiny!
(what?? fabulous isn't?? hahaa)

okay.. i'm going to mention every day that has change my "life track" in this year because of God's Hand, beside now is November and next month is December. then... 2012!!!!! (hooraaay. happy new year.. haha)

1. 26 February 2011
Hooraaayy!!!! i got the job.. last time i was so desperate because i haven't found a suitable place to work. and now, i work in a small lawfirm providing legal services in corporate matters. (that's my dream job!)

ya, alhamdulillah aja..

Rosetini & Partners (here's the link if you need consulting..

(public secret: too hopeless make me going to accept the offer as staff at marketing company, then my mom told me to refuse it, because i will regret it someday. And yeah, her words is right)

2. 3 May 2011

This date is my birth day.. and this year is my 23rd of my life....
My feeling was between sad and grateful to the God. (u don't wanna know..)
many questions surrounded my head..

am I old enough to make a decision??

am I too young to decide my own lifepath??

but still i haven't the answer till now.

3. 12 May 2011

Thailand i'm coming.. i never been there, but then my office's outing is going there!
(what a surprise, one by one Allah answer my pray with grateful thing. I'm speaking truth! He answer it!)

Here's some pic of it:

You now what! they are men!!

me and look a like.. hahaha

and here we are,, except my boss..
But, one place that i haven't came.. the beach.. yeah, for sure we weren't visited it.. Phuket.. Hope in one day i may go there for my honeymoon.. hahaha..

4. 22 October 2011

Suprising day...

the most day that has change my track life..
to infinity and beyond.. :)

(thank you.. for the amazing day..) :)

that's all that i could share to you..
hope it would inspire you to praise the God more..

last but not least...
alhamdulilahirobbil 'alamin...

quote of the day: we never now, what will happen tommorow. Just pray to God for better and best life.

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

New of Me..

Over six months I haven't wrote anything in my blog.. so now I want to write and attach everything about law because I think, it would be helpful for anyone. so let's start about regulations..

1. UU PT in english --- 40/ 2007 (I got this translated from Ms. Triyani's blog (thx for it, I hope you don't mind I copy this into my blog)

2. Investment in english --- 25/2007 ( I took it from ABNR archive)

3. Mineral and Coal Mining in english --- 4/2009

ok, that's all.. I hope it's worth for all people..

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010


alhamdulillah.. cuman itu yang bisa aku bilang sekarang..
it's feel like free bird..

hehehe.. rasanya puas dan lega banget bisa lewatin hari ini dengan lancar tanpa halangan sedikitpun.. (walau tadi dosen minta sedikit revisi gara- gara dalam skripsinya aku lupa cantumin sebuah saran)
but overall, fabulous! hehehe

hidup ga cuman sampe sini, tapi beban berat menanti di depan.. dengan bisa melewati sidang, bukan berarti aku udah mengerti dengan baik tentang hukum.. masih banyak hal yang aku belum mengerti dan teraplikasikan.. menjadi beban karena Allah sedang menguji aku.. apakah aku mampu mengamalkan ilmu yang sudah diberikan-NYA.. hanya aku dan Allah yang tahu..

Just wait and see..
i start it with bismillahirohmanirohim..

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010


Looking into past, so much thing that I regret it, but I mustn't!

Sometimes many people blamed me for something that I have done without asking why i do that or what's the problem..

haaaahh.. life so hard.. i don't want to complaining but too much pressure make me tired and need support.. what a life..

Senin, 19 April 2010

So Hectic..

Sepertinya bulan April ini merupakan bulan yang paling hectic buat gw.. kenapa?

1. Gosip kalo sidang juli itu ga ada ngebuat gw sedikit pusing dan stress karena otomatis skripsinya harus dikumpulin awal bulan mei..

2. Niatnya ngambil mata kuliah yang ga terlalu ribet.. ternyata SANGAT RIBET dengan tugas yang begitu bejubel sampe- sampe skripsi terbengkalai hingga 2 minggu..

3. Ga kerasa ujian bentar lagi.. tapi begitu banyak materi yang masih belum tersentuh.. (Ya Allah, bantu aku ya..)

Oh GOD.. ternyata cuman 3 hal ini yang bikin hidup ini rasanya penuh sesak...


rasanya pengen lari sebentar ke tempat di mana waktu tidak berjalan dengan semestinya..

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

just TODAY..

Hectic tapi aneh...

hari ini ujian hk. perdata ama hk. SDA.. sebenernya sih buat perdata udah prepare dari kemaren- kemaren... sampe-sampe bikin mindmap segala, alhasil lumanyan berguna juga. walau harus tidur jam 4 pagi dan ngerjain uts sambil ngantuk- nagntuk.. ahhaha

Ujian kedua: 12.00-13.15

Hk. SDA.. satu kata... ABSTRAK!!!

ga tau deh itu jawabnya gimana.. ga jelas.. hahaha.. 4 soal dan semuanya ga beres dikerjain..hehehehe... tapi yaah mau gmn lagi..

sekarang malah disuruh ngisi biodata buat klab menulis (ceritanya sih ikutan ini biar ntr pas ngerjain skripsi jadi rada bener dikit gitu bahasa Indonesianya..)

eeeehhh, malah disuruh nulis karangan.. ga tau mau nulis apaan..

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010


Akhirnya.. alhamdulillah skripsi diterima.. siap untuk mulai menyusun...

sekarang tinggal sisa satu semester.. semoga berakhir dengan senyuman... huhhuuu..

by the way busway.. flu sedang melanda.. huks. huks,,, untung aja belum mulai ujian.. heuuehe.. semoga cepet sembuh.. amin..